Marine Science Final Review 2

This is for Marine Science!!!!

66 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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This type of seafloor sediment originates in outer space and becomes sediment after entering Earth's atmosphere and eventually deposited in our oceans.
Biogenous oozes usually do not accumulate at depths greater than 5000 meters due to the _______.
Calcite Compensation Depth
The White Cliffs at Dover are a great example of ancient seafloor composed of _________.
Calcium Carbonate
Diatoms in the form of diatomaceous earth is used to produce a variety of common everyday products such as _________ and _________.
Filters and abrasives
Neritic sediment deposits are found _________ while Pelagic sediment deposits are found _________.
Nearshore; in the deep ocean basins
Lithogenous sediments are composed mostly of _________ grains.
Biogenous sediments are mostly made up of these two chemical compounds.
Silica and calcium carbonate
Calcareous ooze will form only above the ________ which is the depth where seawater dissolves calcium carbonate.
CCD- calcite compensation depth
These types of sediments are also known as evaporites that precipitate directly from seawater or are formed by the interaction of substances dissolved in water with materials on the ocean floor.
This type of sediment is found in the K-T boudary event layer.
_________ rapidly transports biogenous particles to the deep-ocean floor and cause the composition of sea floor deposits to match the organisms living in surface waters immediately above them.
Fecal pellets
Overall, the thickest accumulation of marine sediments are found around the ____________.
Continental margin
The K-T boundary event layer found in sediment cores taken from the bottom of the ocean is evidence of:
A large meteorite impact that caused a mass extinction
This compound is created when bacteria break down organic matter trapped in sea floor sediments, producing methane gas with minor amounts of ethane and propane.
Gas hydrates
These compounds are used in plaster to make casts and molds and is the main component in wallboard or sheet rock.
Evaporative salts