Management for Dysarthria and Approaches to Management

Dysarthria management

9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the primary goal for people with dysarthria
Maximise the effectiveness, efficacy and naturalness of communication (not just speech!)
What would be the main goal for mild dysarthria?
RESTOREMaximise efficiency and naturalness of speech while maintaining intelligibility .
What would be the main goal for someone with moderate dysarthria
COMPENSATEMaximise intelligibility and efficiency of speech and decrease functional limitations
What would be the main goal and initial goal for someone with severe dysarthria?
Main goal: ADJUSTmaximize speech and communication functions to minimize re-organization of life activities
Initially = establish functional means of communication and decrease disability.
What are the different approaches to management
Behaivoural, Medical, Prosthetic, AAC and counsellling
What is a medical approach?
Drugs or surgery, can have an indirect or direct effect on speech
What is a prosthetic approach?
Mechanical/electronic prosthetic or assistive devices they may be temporary or permanent
What is behaivoural approach?
Speaker- oriented - this increases physiological support to increase intelligibilty and naturalness and efficiency of a clients speech.Communication- oriented - this approach looks at compensatory strategies and modifying communication interaction to increase communication. It works on partner/speaker strategies
What is AAC and Conselling?
Low or high tech devices to assist in communicationand counselling on effects, management etc, living with dysarthria