Major Types of Psychotherapy

Types of psychotherapy

31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Major Figure of Classical Psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud
Major Figure of Modern Psychodynamic Approaches
Erik Erikson,Harry Stack SullivanHeinz HartmannMelanie KleinMargaret Mahler
Major Figure of Behavior Therapy
Major Figure of Humanistic, Client-Centered Therapy
Carl Rogers
Major Figure of Ellis's Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Albert Ellis
Major Figure of Beck's Cognitive Therapy
Aaron Beck
Major Figure of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
The goal is gaining insight and resolving unconscious psychological conflicts
Classical Psychoanalysis
The goal is to focus on developing insight, but with greater emphasis on ego functioning, current interpersonal relationships, and adaptive behavior that traditional psychoanalysis
Modern Psychodynamic Approaches
The goal is directly changing problem behavior through use of learning-based techniques
Behavior Therapy
The goal is self-acceptance and personal growth
Humanistic, Client-Centered Therapy
The goal is replacing irrational beliefs with rational alternative beliefs; making adaptive behavioral changes
Ellis's Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
The goal is to identify and correct distorted or self-defeating thoughts and beliefs; making adaptive behavioral changes
Beck's Cognitive Therapy
The goal is use of cognitive and behavioral techniques to change maladaptive behaviors and cognitions
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Lengthy treatment, typically lasting several years
Classical Psychoanalysis