Answer These Factors of Production in Microeconomics Flashcards

SIUe Macroeconomics with Petit

55 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the definition of economics?
A social science dealing with the allocation of scarce resources to meet unlimited wants.
What are the four factors of production?
Land, Labor, Capital, and Entrepreneurial Ability
What is Capital (like in the Factors of Production)?
Tools, equipment, and machinery used. It can be used multiple times and is not used up.
What is the economic problem?
People have scarce resources and unlimited wants.
What is Opportunity Cost?
It is the most important thing that you give up when a choice is made. It's the next best alternative, the second choice.
What is a model?
A simplification of reality.
What is Ceteris Paribus?
A latin term that means "all other things remaining constant"
What are the three assumptions of the Production Possibilities Model?
1) Only two goods in the economy
2) All resources are used up completely
3) Technology and Resources are fixed
What units do you use for Opportunity Cost?
Always in terms of what good you are giving up.
What is the Law of Increasing Cost?
As the production of a good increases, the opportunity cost in terms of the other good given up will increase.
What is the shape of a Production Possibilities Curve (PPC)?
Bowed out, or concave to the origin.
What does it mean when there is a point INSIDE of the PPC?
It means that not all resources are being used efficiently.
What are the three fundamental questions of economic systems?
1) What good and services will be produced?
2) How will the goods and services be produced?
3) Who gets the goods and services?
What are the two shifts that lead to an increase in price?
A decrease in supply, and an increase in demand.
What kind of economic system do we have?
Market Economy