Living Vs Non-living

23 flash cards about living and non living things

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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How do you define that something is living without a list?
The characteristics of life
What does "MRS C GREN" stand for?
MovementReproductionStimuliCellsGrowthRespirationExcretion Nutrition
What is "Adaptation" mean?
Adaptation is an organism's way of surviving a changing environment that is not to there natural liking
What is "response"?
Response is an organism reaction to a certain environment or situation.
What happen's when an organism fails to adapt to an ever changing environment
When an organism fails to adapt it usually mean that they go extinct.
What is "homeostasis"?
Anything that maintains the internal body. LIke humans perspire when there body over heats.
Does a living thing need some amount of space?
Yes, all living things need some kind of space to survive and thrive.
Why are cells considered the most basic units of life?
They are referred as the most basic units of life because they are the "smallest" things that are known to display the characteristics of life.
If something has cells but does not possess any other characteristics of life, is it still alive
Yes if something possess cells it is still alive. Cells are the most basic form of life meaning that hey already share the characteristics of life.
What does "respiration" mean?
The scientific term respiration means that cells are absorbing energy.
5 characteristics of living things
Are macromolecules alive?
No, Macromolecules lack the ability to reproduce therefore cannot be alive.
Are viruses alive?
No, they lack the ability to reproduce
Does a Living thing possess DNA and RNA
Yes, these characteristics are important to living things
Do living things have genetic composition?
Yes, it is a characteristic