Literary Genres at a Glance

Vocabulary fo r genres

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Folk Tales, Myths and Fables:
Stories that are passed down from one group or generation to another, often orally.
Stories with inaginary characters, events or settings that could not apply to the real world, such as taking animals, dragons or wizards. Fairy tales are one ex: of fantasy.
Science Fiction:
This is a paricular type of fantasy that features science or technology, such as robots or time machines.
Realistic Fiction:
Imaginary stories that are written as if they could actually happen. They may include some real people or events, but the are mostly made up by the author.
Historical Fiction:
Imaginary stories that are based on real historical events or real people. They may include real facts, but they are not entirely true.
Imaginary stories about interesting places, exciting journeys, explorers or heroes. (Adventure books can also be nonfiction).
Imaginary stories about a crime, an investigation or a puzzling event. (Mysteries can also be nonfiction).
Books or articles that contain facts and information about specific topics.
True stories about the lives and accomplishments of real people.
A book about the author's own life.