Lifespan Development Exam 2

Exam 2 of Lifespan Development

50 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Any substance that crosses the placenta and harms the fetus Examples: Alcohol, cocaine, herpes, antibiotics, lead, stress (?), thalidomide
Medical medication that can stop ear and limb formation of a fetus
Accutane - Isoretinoin (Accutane): Acne medicine-Effects on Fetus
Brain damage Central nervous system damage Immune system abnormality Damage to sensory organs (eyes, etc.)
Antidepressant medication
Preterm birth Respiratory Distress Convulsions Low blood sugar Metabolic problem, controversial because can cause mother to go back into depression which can also be harmful
Not clear, high “dose” may lead to low birth weight and possible SID, normally poses no problem, shouldn’t drink more than three cups a day containing caffeine
FAS and FAE – Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects
Distorting the facial features (especially the eyes, ears,and upper lip) in the first weeks of prenatal development. It later causes fetal alcohol effects, leading to hyperactivity, poor concentration, impaired spatial reasoning, and slow learning
Marijuana and small for gestational age (SGA) infants
Heavy exposure may affect the central nervous system, when smoked may hinder fetal growth, SGA – low birthweight
Age of Viability
When a preterm newborn can survive
Primary reason for LBW (low birth weight) infants in adolescent mothers
Later outcomes of LBW infants
Infants are later to smile, to hold a bottle, to walk, and to communicate. As the months go by, cognitive difficulties as well as visual and hearing impairments may emerge. Survivors who were high-risk newborns tend to become infants and children who cry more, pay attention less, disobey, and experience language delays. higher rates of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes in adulthood
Stages – crowning
3 stages, crowning takes place in stage 2
Most common form of anesthesia
Fernand Lamaze: Influenced by Soviet system based on Pavlovian conditioning Breathing system to reduce pain
Dimensions of APGAR
10 points; 0-2 points per dimension Appearance (color) Pulse (slow<100, fast> 100) Reflex irritability (crying, coughing, etc.) Muscle tone (active—weak—limp) Respiration (crying—slow—none)
Stepping Reflex
Precursor for children to walk when they kick and act like they’re walking