Life and Health Insurance

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What is Insurable Interest?
When the applicant faces the possibilty of losing money or something of value in the event of loss.
What are the three factors that may determine insurable interest for the policy owner?
1. Insuring his/her own life 2. Insuring the life of a family member 3. Insuring the life of a business partner, key employee or someone who has a financial obligation to them
How can you create an immediate estate?
By purchasing life insurance
What is liquidity in a life insurance policy?
When the policies cash values can be borrowed against at any time and used for immediate needs.
What calculates an individuals life value by looking at the insured wages, inflation, the number of years to retirement and the time value of money?
The Human Value Life Approach
What is based on the predicted needs of a family after the premature death of the insured?
The Needs Approach
What are the four categories on the type of information that needs to be gathered for the Needs Approach?
1. Debt 2. Income 3. Mortgage 4. Expenses
What are Lump Sum Needs
The cost of final medical expenses of the insured, funeral expenses and day to day expenses of maintaining the family.
What is Debt Cancellation
Insurance may be used to create a fund to pay off debts of the insured.
What is the Social Security "black out period"?
The time during which the surviving spouse and/or children do not receive any social security survivor benefits.
When does the Social Security "black out period" begin?
When the youngest child reaches the age of 16 years.
When does the Social Security "black out period" end?
When the surviving spouse quallifies for retirement benefits, as early as age 60.
What is a Buy-Sell Agreement?
A legal contract that determines what will be done with a business i the event that an owner dies or becomes disabled.
What is Key Person Insurance?
Insurance on an employee that if premature death occurs, the company would suffer a financial loss. Key Person insurnce would lessen this risk.
In Key Person Insurance the employee is the insured and the business is what?
The applicant, the policy owner, the premium payer and the beneficiary.