Lesson 8: Urinary System 2

Vocabulary: pg 216-218Figure 7-6: pg 217Notecards: pg 219-223Spotlight: pg 222Abbreviations: only what was talked about -223Case study: pg 234-235Exercises: pg 236-241Review sheet: pg 248-249Listen to CD

58 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Small artery
Bowman capsule
Enclosing structure surrounding each glomerulus
Calyx or calix (plural: calyces or calices)
Cup-like collecting region of the renal pelvis
Tube for injecting or removing fluids
Outer region -renal cortex: outer region of kidney -cortical means pertaining to the cortex
Erythropoietin (EPO)
A hormone secreted by the kidney to stimulate the production of red blood cells by bone marrow
Passive process where some substance pass through a filter
Glomerulus (plural: glomeruli)
Tiny ball of capillaries (microscopic blood vessels) in cortex of kidney
Depression or hollow in that part of an organ where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave
1 of 2 bean-shaped organs behind the abdominal cavity on either side of backbone in lumbar region
Opening or canal
Inner region -the renal medulla is inner region of kidney (medulla means pertaining to the medulla)
Urination; the act of voiding
Glomerulus and renal tubes where filtration, reabsorption, and secretion take place -functional unit of the kidney, each can form urine by itself
Nitrogenous waste
Substance containing nitrogen and excreted in urine