Last Music Appreciation Test!!!

Last test before the final!

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What was the general idea of music in the 20th century?
"break the rules"
What was used a lot in the music of the 20th century? like, what type of music was brought out?
Folk music and incorporation of folk tales
What were some examples of "instruments" that composers called for in the 20th century?
Things like telephones and car horns
What was unique about the harmony of the 20th century?
No more distinction between consonant and dissonant chords; dissonance didn't create anticipation anymore
2 traditional traids played together
More than one key
No central tone/chord
Each note has equal importance
12 tone row
Who came up with the idea of 12 tone row?
Arnold schoenberg
What was unique about rhythm in 20th century music?
New emphasis on irregularity and unpredictability; many meters
Repeated phrase
How did music relate to society?
Performances were broadcast on radio/tv and huge political upheavals affected musicians (hitler and stalin)
He was the bridge between romantic and 20th century music; his music evokes moods and atmospheres with descriptive titles and new use of damper pedal on the piano
Claude Debussy
French impressionist; stroke victim, aphasia; wrote "Bolero"
Maurice Ravel
American composer; studied voice, piano and composition at the Curtis Institute;violin concerto; criticized by his contemporaries; "Excursions"; some audiences were startled by the vastly different sound of new harmonies, dissonance, rhythem
Samuel Barber