Jgen 221dddd


40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Do you have to use the word you in order to demonstrate the "you attitude"?
No, you can use other pronouns, sometimes it is not good to single one person out.
Why is it important to establish your credibility when communicating with an audience of strangers?
Audience responses rely heavily on your measure of believability , based on how reliable you are and how much they trust you. Youneed to gan credibility before people will accept or pay attention to messages.
How does using bias-free language help communicators establish a good relationship with their audiences?
Language reflects what we thing and believe. We must appear to be fair.
How does the denotative meaning of a word differ from its connotative meaning?
Denotative- literal or dictionary meaning
connotative- all the associations and feelings evoked by the word
How can you use sentence style to emphasize key thoughts?
It creates a certain tone, you can make it conversational or formal. You can be stuffy, conversational, or unprofessional.
How does an abstract word differ from a concrete word?
Abstract- expresses a concept, quality or characteristic
concrete- something you can touch, see or visualize
In what three situations is the passive voice appropriate?
1. When you want to be diplomatic about pointing out a problem or error.
2. When you want to point out what is being done without taking or attributing either credit or blame.
3. When you want to avoid personal pronouns in order to create an objective tone.
How can topic sentences help readers?
Gives readers a summary of the general idea that will be covered in the rest of the paragraph.
How can topic sentences help writers?
Remind writers of the purpose of each paragraph and can help you stay focused.
What functions do transitions serve?
Help the readers know what lies ahead and the connections I am trying to make
What are three main tasks involved in revising a business message?
1. evaluating content, organization, style and tone
2. reviewing for readability
3.editing for clarity and conciseness
How can you increase the readability of your paragraphs?
1. varying sentence length
2. keeping paragraphs short
3. using lists and bullets
4. adding headings and subheadings
What functions do headings serve?
Helpful in guiding my work as a writer and can explain the paper without having to read more
What are some ways you can make a document more concise?
1. break up long sentences
2. rewrite hedging sentence
3.impose parallelism
What computer tools can you use when revising messages?
Microsoft word revision marks, thesauras, grammar checker