Irregular Preterite Verb Sentences :)

Awesome sentences... maybe.

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

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Tuvieron que ir al supermercado.
We had to go to the supermarket.
Pude terminar el examen antes sonó de campana.
I was able to finish the test before the bell rang.
Supo la repuesta.
He knew the answer.
Anduvimos el perro despúes de escuela.
We walked the dog after school.
Tú viniste a la fiesta un poco tarde.
You came to the party a little late.
Estuve Elmo para La Vispera de Todos los Santos.
I was Elmo for Halloween.
Pusimos decoración en el gimnasio antes de la fiesta.
We put decorations in the gym before the party.
La mama le dijo al niño, "Limpia tu habitación."
The mother said to the child, "Clean your room."
Ellos tradujieron la oración en clase.
They translated the sentence in class.
Yo conduje a la tienda.
I drove to the store.