Intro to Psychology Exam #2

Kjngkrkjserjk ngjkr

65 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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  • not being able to recognize visual images
Visual agnosia
  • stimulation if sense. detect physical energy from environment, then encode it as neural signals
  • translating sensory info into something meaningful. The selection, organization and interpretation of sensory input. No conscious effort
  • natures gift that suits an organism's needs adaptive
a study of the relationship btw physical characteristics of stimuli and our psychophysical experience with them.
Our diminishing sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. To experience this phenomenon, move your watch up your wrist an inch: you will feel it but only for a few moments. After constant exposure to a stimulus, our nerve cells fire less often.
Sensory Adaptation
Information processing guided by higherlevel mental process, as when we construct perceptions drawing on out experience and expectations - Guided by experience and expectations “eel” -Ignore information that’s not useful to us.
Top-down processing
Analysis that begins with the sensory receptors and works up to the brain's integration of sensory information
Bottom-up processing
  • point above which a stimulus is perceived. When we first become aware of something
  • you can detect it 50% of the time. The minimum stimulation needed to detect a stimulus.
Absolute Threshold
  • or Just Noticable Difference (JND) the smallest increase or decrease in a stimulus that a person is able to detect
Difference Thresholds
  • the size of a JND is a constant proportion of the size of the initial stimulus
Weber's law
  • the transformation of stimulus energy into neural impulses. the process of sensation turns into perception/neural impulse.
1. sense organ changes physical energy into electrical signals
    • 2. Electrical signals turn into neural impulses
    • 3. ? missing look at outline
Your eyes recieve light energy and transform it into neural messages that your brain then processes into what you consiously see occurs in the Organ of Corti
Transduction in the eyes
The ______ of sound into a neural signal occurs in the cochlea.
Transduction in the ear?