Introduction to Oceanography Midterm 1 Flashcards

If you are looking for flashcards on Introduction to Oceanography , you are in luck as the ones below will ensure that you are not so blank on the subject. Do check the flashcards out and happy learning!  

51 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Physical Resources
Result from the deposition, precipitation, or accumulation of useful substances in the ocean or seabed
Biological Resources
Living animals and plants collected for human use
Nonextractive Resource
Uses of the ocean in place--transportation of people and commodities by sea recreation and waste disposal.
Renewable Resources
Natrually replaced by the growth of marine organisms or by other natural physical processes
Nonrenewable Physical Resources
-Most physical resources are mineral deposits (from non living processes) I.E. Petroleum and Natural gas, mostly remnants of once-living organisms.
(from Freshwater) Heat water, condense steam, Salt remains
Reverse Osmosis
Water forced through a semi-permeable membrane
Why is it difficult to study the ocean? Why has the ocean remained largely unexplored?
-Extreme pressure/access -Extreme tempreture -Size -Movement (life) -Water Movements -Funding -Political/Social Priority -Take it for granted -Saftey concerns/fire
Direct Measurements
Length/Weight using a ruler
Proxy Measurements
The agency, function, or office of a deputy who acts as a subsite for another. Comparing it to something else i.e. the length of a tree compared to a man.
1st way to measure current. Fixed point.
2nd way to measure current. I.E. rubber duckies see where they go (satellite attached to them).
North/South Position
East/West Position
Euphoric Zone
Enough light for photosynthesis. 1% light. 1m-100m