What Are the Stages of Interpersonal Relationships Flashcards

How Well Do You Know About Stages of Interpersonal Relationships? Answer these quiz based flashcards based on the Stages of Interpersonal Relationships and check your knowledge. This flashcard is simple and easy to use and is more fun-oriented.  

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6 different stages in the model of relationships
Contact, involvement, intimacy, deterioration, repair, and dissolution
-the first stage in relationship development consists of perceptual contact and interactional contact
- the second stage in relationship development in which you further advance the relationship, first testing each other and then intensifying your interaction *testing*intensifying
- the closest interpersonal relationship, usually the the term denotes a close primary relationship with another *interpersonal commitment*social bonding
- The stage of a relationship during which the connecting bonds between the partners weaken and the partners begin drifting apart*Intrapersonal dissatisfaction*Interpersonal deterioration
- a relationship stage in which one or both parties seek to improve a deteriorating relationshipIntrapersonal and Interpersonal repair
- The termination or end of an interpersonal relationshipInterpersonal seperationSocial/ Public seperation
Attraction Theory
-holds that people form relationships on the basis of attraction.-similarity, proximity, reinforcement, physical attractiveness and personality, socioeconomic and educational status
Relationship Dialects Theory
Argues that people in a relationship experience dynamic tensions between pairs of opposing motives or desires.- tension between closedness and openness, autonomy and connection, novelty and predictability- you may accept the imbalance, exit the relationship, or rebalance your life
Social Penetration theory
Is a theory not of why relationships develop but of what happens when they do develop- breadth and depth
Social exchange theory
Claims that you develop relationships that will enable you to maximize your profits* Profits= Rewards- Costs
Are anything that you would incur costs to obtain.
Are things that you normally try to avoid, that you consider unpleasant or difficult.
Is what results when the costs are subtracted from the rewards
Comparison level
A general idea of the kinds of rewards and profits that you feel you ought to get out of such a relationship