Interpersonal Exam 1

Use these flashcards to study for Chapter 4!

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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True or false? We each will notice the same things in every situation. For example, four people in a park will all notice the same things.
False, we each notice different things. This is called Perception Process.
. True or false? We can attend to all impressions that surround us.
False, selection enables us to notice somethings and ignore others
Which of the following usually draws attention? A. intensity (louder, brighter, short, tall) B. Repetition C. Contrast or Change in stimulation D. Motives E. All of the above
E. All of the above, this process is called Selection
Sally walks down the street everyday to get to school. She normally is in “her own world” and does not notice much. Today she stopped and noticed a bright, green bench that had never been there before. This is an example of A. Intensity B. Repetition C. Contrast or Change in Stimulation D. Motives
C. Contrast or Change in stimulation
True or false? The “vase-face” optical illusion is an example of a figure against a less striking ground.
True or false? There are only two ways to view an object, setting, situation, issue, etc.
False: there are countless ways to view things. Views are determined on individual basis through experiences, memories, values, etc.
On the first day of classes, Hunter classifies his teacher. He notices that she is female, older, and short. He is practicing perceptual schema through: A. Social Roles B. Appearance C. Membership D. Psychological traits
B. Appearances
When asked about her “dream man,” Annie replies that she is looking for a man who is a Republican, a Christian, and a college graduate. She is classifying according to… A. Social Roles B. Appearance C. Membership D. Psychological traits
C. Membership
The straight forward approach of perception checking has the best chance of working in which culture?
A. Low context cultures B. High context cultures C. Both D. Neither
Low context cultures
Attaching a meaning to a certain behavior is called what?
We make sense of our environment in a four step process. Name two of the four steps.
1. selecting certain stimuli from the environment 2. organizing stimuli into meaningful patterns 3. interpreting them in a manner that is shaped by a variety of factors 4. negotiating them through naratives that we share with others
What is the main difference between empathy and sympathy?
Sympathy - you view the other person's situation from your point of view. Empathy - you view it from the other person's perspective. (It becomes your own experience for that moment.)
Empathy has how many dimensions?
Three. 1) Perspective taking 2) Emotional 3) Genuine Concern
What are the 5 positions of the "Pillow Method"?
1) I'm right, you're wrong. 2) You're right, I'm wrong. 3) Both right, Both wrong. 4) The issue isn't important. 5) There is truth is all perspectives.
The following list are the three elements of what? - A description of the behavior you noticed. - At least two possible interpretations of the behavior. - A request for clarification about how to interpret the behavior.
Perception Checking