Define Functions of Integumentary Sytem Flashcards


26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Role of the skin in Homeostasis
Body Temp Body fluids Body electrolytes
Name some skin disorders
Burnes Skin caner Eczema Cellulitus Herpes Pressure ulsers
Question 3
Label the Diagram
1- Cuticle 2-Nail plate 3-Lunula 4-proximal Nail fold 5-Nail Matrix 6-Cuticle 7-Nail plate 8-Hyponychium 9-nail bed 10-Nail root
Second Degree burns are burns down tot he muscle layer of the skin?
False This would be a second degree burn. Thisrl degree burns would be burns tot he muscle layer.
What is found in the dermis layer?
Elastic& collagen fibers Lymph vessels Sensory nerve ending Sweat glands Arrector Pili muscle Sebaceous glands Blood vessels
How often is the epidermis layer replaced?
28 days
What are the functions of the skin
Protection Regulation of body temp Heat production Heat loss Formation of Vitamin D Excretion
What does melanin do?
Pigmentation of the skin
What kind of substance is secreted by the sebaceous glands?
What is the main component of surface skin cells?
What are the 3 major skin layers?
Epidermis Dermis Hypodermis/ Subcutaneous tissue
True or False Mitosis of the skin cells occur in the statum corneum
False. Stratum corneum are dead cells
True or False Skin is the largest organ of the body?
True or False Vitamin D is necessary for the formation and destruction of bones?
False Not destruction
True or False Melanocytes are present in the hypodermis?
False Melanocytes determin the colour of your skin and so are in the epidermis.