Inquiry Into Life- Chapter 27 Flashcards

Chapter 27 of "Inquiry Into Life" Biology 13th edition. Evolution and Classification. Sylvia S. Mader 

70 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The idea of _______ by means of ______ has played a central role in the science of biology
Evolution; natural selection
The idea of natural selection was proposed by ______ in the year_____ with the publication of ________.
Charles Darwin; 1859; "On the Origin of Species"
Natural selection may be summarized by Darwin as "______with________"
Descent; modification
_________ (1750)proposed that evolution occurred by the inheritance of __________characteristics.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck; acquired
According to Lamarck, individuals passed on to offspring ____ and _____changes acquired during their lives
Body; behavior
According to _____: Giraffes evolved long necks b/c ancestral giraffes tended to stretch their necks and this neck extension was passed on to the next generations.
According to _____: the variation is not created by experience but already exist. He believed that variation is ________.
Darwin; inheritance
Evidence of Evolution:1. _________-by dating the rocks in which the fossils occur, one can get an accurate idea of how old the fossils are. fossils represent evolutionary change.
Fossil record
Evidence of Evolution:2. ________-compare____ and_____ of vertebrates (ex: all vertebrate embryos share similar ____instructions)
Anatomical record; anatomy; development (developmental)
______structures: derived from the same body part present in an ancestor (ex: same bones might be put to different uses in related species)
_____structures: similar-looking structures in unrelated lineages. These are results of ______evolutionary adaptations to simil. environs. (_____ evolution= many paths to 1 goal)
Analogous structures; parallel; (convergent)
3. _____level: the same pattern of divergence can be seen at the ____level.
Molecular; protein
________: evolutionary changes appear to accumulate at a____rate. (ex: _____gene)
Molecular clock; constant; cytochrome c
The theory of evolution occurring due to natural selection is the subject of _______________
Often-bitter public controversy
_______-the study of the properties of genes in populations
Population genetics