Innate (nonspecific) Defenses

Innate (nonspecific) Defenses

75 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Species resistance means
Each species develops disease that are unique to it and do not develop diseases that are unique to other species
Species resistance is due to the fact that
Microorganisms vary from one species to another
Viral peritonitis
In cats--doesn't affect humans--b/c of difference in basal temperaturesan example of species resistance
Humans are resistant to malaria and tuberculosis that affect __________
Skin and mucous membrane lines the passageway of
Respiratorydigestiveurinaryreproductive systems
Skin and mucous membranes create
Mechanical barriers
_____, ________, and ________ traps infectious agents and ___________
HairMucusSweatrinse away pathogens
Hair, mucus, and sweat are known as
First line of defense
The epidermis of skin sloughs off cells, removing
Bacteria as it does so
Frequent hand washing helps increase
Effectiveness of the mechanical barrier provided by the skin
Pepsin is an
Pepsin is found in
Gastric juice
______ in tears is a chemical barrier
Lysosome (not lysozyme)
Chemical barriers
Pepsin (gastric juice)Low pH (stomach)lysosome (tears)Salt (perspiration)Interferons
Interferons are
Hormone-like peptides