Indirect Acting Antiadrenergic Agents

Indirect Acting Antiadrenergic Agents ~ Adrenergic Neuron-blocking agents, Centrally acting alpha 2 agonists...

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is an example of an adrenergic neuron-blocking agent?
Reserpine (prototype), guanethidine, guanadrel
What is the MOA of Reserpine?
Depletion of norepinephrine from post ganglionic sympathetic neurons, effect on the CNS: sedation, state of indifference to environment
What is Reserpine used for?
HTN, psychotic states
What are some adverse effects of Reserpine?
Depression, cardiovascular effects (bradycardia, orthostatic hypotension, nasal congestion), increased GI activity
What are some examples of a Centrally Acting Alpha 2 Agonist?
Clonidine, methyldopa, and methyldopate, others: guanabenz, guanfacine
What is the MOA of clonidine?
Selective activation of Alpha 2 in CNS, reduces sympathetic outflow ...results in decreased CO and BP, & vasodilation
What is clonidine used for?
HTN and relief of severe pain (cancer)
What are some adverse effects of clonidine?
Drowsiness, xerostomia (dry mouth), rebound HTN (response to sudden withdrawal), NOT for pregnant women
What is the MOA of methyldopa & methlydopate?
Similar to clonidine BUT it must be converted in the brainstem to be an effective alpha 2 agonist, decreases BP, causes vasodilation
What is methyldopa and methyldopate used for?
Only approved for HTN
What are the adverse effects of methyldopa/methyldopate?
Positive comb's test, 5% of positive develop hemolytic anemia, test prior to treatment...hepatotoxicity