IAPS Exam Review

Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology flashcards

64 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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What is the definition of anthropology?
The study of the origin, development, customs, and varieties of human beings.
What is the definition of sociology?
The study of human social life, groups, institutions, and development of societies.
What is the definition of psychology?
The study of the mind, mental process, human nature and behaviour.
Who are the founding member of the three disciplines?
Anthro- Margaret Mead Psych- Sigmund Freud Socio- Auguste Comte
What are the steps of the Inquiry Process?
1. Identifying a Problem or Question 2. Developing a Hypothesis 3. Gathering Data 4. Analyzing the Data 5. Drawing Conclusions 6. Suggesting Solutions
What is the definition of Inquiry Process?
The process in which social scientists draw conclusions from their results that can be applied to several situations.
What is the definition of evolution?
All animal on Earth has evolved from a common ancestor.
What is the Big Bang Theory?
The theory that states the birth of the universe started in a singular event similar to an explosion.
What are the 5 unique characteristics of humans?
1. Functions of the hand 2. Opposable thumbs 3. Functions of upright posture 4. 3-Dimensional vision 5. Complex brain
What are the 3 different levels of memory?
1. Sensory memory 2. Short term memory 3. Long term memory
What is the pyschological answer to what makes us human?
Intellect, memory, personality, communication skills
What is the anthropological answer to what makes us human?
Evolution from a common ancestor with apes.
What is the sociological answer to what makes us human?
What are the 3 parts of the human mind Freud believed in?
Ego- Rational self Superego- Tells us what is right and wrong ID- Animal self
What are the 5 stages of Freud's Psychosexual Development Theory?
1. Oral 2. Anal 3. Phallic 4. Latency 5. Genital