Human Development Chunk 1

Exam 1 covers chapters 1, 2, and 3. Plus Lectures

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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What is development
Pattern of movement or change, from conception to death. How people change as well as how they stay the same
Life-span perspective
Views developmeent as lifelong, multidimensional, multidirectional, plastic, multidisciplinary, and contextual, and as a process that involves growth, maitenance, and regulation of loss
Normative age-graded influences
Influences common to individuals of a particular age group examples:walk at 1-biologicaldrivers liscense at 16-environmentalpuberty earty teens-biological
Normitave history-graded influences
Influences common to individuals of a particular generation because of historical circumstances. -big eventsexamples: great depressionrecession9/11
Original Sin
Children were born as basically bad, especially common belief during the middle ages*goal of parenting*absolve sin, save their souls. This lead to strict parentingNATURE, just born 'that way
Tabula Rasa
John Locke believed that children are blank tablets, acquired charateristics from experience. The belief that childhood experience forms child. *goal of parenting* warm, loving, leniant, supportiveNURTURE
Innate Goodness
18th century Russo said that children are born inherently good•goal of parenting* permit kids to grow naturally and too much parental intervention is badNURTURE
Traditional Lifespan approach
Extensive change, most information was on infants, adolescense, and alot of data on old age, but very little data on change in adulthood
Characteristics of Lifespan Perspective (7)
Development is lifelong
No age period dominates development
Characteristics of Lifespan PerspectiveMultidimensional
Biological-changes in physical naturecognitive-changes in thought, intelligence and languagesocioemotional-changes in relationships, emotions, periods of stability in personality
Characteristics of Lifespan PerspectiveMultidirectional
Involves both growth and decline
Characteristics of Lifespan PerspectivePlastic
Degree to which characteristics change or remain stable. Flexible, we have the ability to change our own charactaristics.
Characteristics of Lifespan PerspectiveMultidisciplinary
Used in multiple disciplinespsychology, sociology etc
Characteristics of Lifespan PerspectiveContextual
Have to know the context of peoples lives