An Overview About Anatomy and Physiology Flashcards

Human Anatomy: Study Guide for Exam 1

182 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Define Anatomy
Study of the structural organization of the body
Define Physiology
Study of how the body works (function)
Define Microscopic Anatomy
Study of small structures that can't be seen with the naked eye
Define Gross Anatomy
Study of large body parts that can be seen with the naked eye
Define Comparative Anatomy
It compares species
Define Developmental Anatomy
The changes from conception to birth
Define Embryology
Changes that occur prior to birth
Define Regional Anatomy
Structures specific to a body region (ex. structures of the abdomen)
Define Surface Anatomy
Based on superficial landmarks that can be observed through the skin
Define Systemic Anatomy
Based on organs that function as a part of a system(ex. urinary, reproductive, digestive systems)
Define Chemical Level
Organization of atoms and molecules to make proteins and other macromolecules
Define Cellular Level
Organization of molecules to form cells
Define Tissue Level
Groupings of cells into functional units
Define Organ Level
Organization of various types of tissues
Define Organ System Level
Organization of several organs into a functional system such as the digestive system