Hormones in the Endocrine System

From chapter 45 of campbell ap biology textbook 7th edition 

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Neurosecretory cells
Specialized nerve cells that release hormones into the blood via the extracellular fluid
Peptide/protein local regulator that plays a role in immune responses
Nitric oxide
Local regulators. improves blood flow to tissues, is neurotrans in nervous sy, and in immune sy, kills bacteria and cancer cells in body fluids
Local regulator. causes uterus wall to contract, inducing fever and inflammation and intensifying pain.
Posterior pit. stimulates contraction of uterus and mammary gland cells
Antidiuretic hormone
Posterior pit. acts on kidneys, increases water retention
Tropic hormones of anterior pituitary gland
Follicle-stimulating hormones, luteinizing hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormones, adrenocorticotropic hormone
Fsh and lh. trpic hormone of anterior pit. stimulate activities of male and female gonads
Thyroid-stimulating hormones (TSH)
Trpic hormone of anterior pit. promote normal development of the thyroid gland and the production of thyroid hormones
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Trpic hormone of anterior pit. stimulates production and secretion of steroid hormones by adrenal cortex
Nontropic hormones of anterior pituitary
Prolactin, melanocyte-stimulating hormone, b-endorphin
Prolactin (PRL)
Nontrpic hormone of ant. stimulates mammary gland growth & milk synthesis in mamms, regulates fat production in birds, metamorph in amphibs
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
Nontrpic hormone of ant. regulates activity of pigment-containing cells in the skin of some fishes, amphibs, and repts. inhibits hunger in mamms
Nontrpc hormone of ant. dulls perception of pain
Growth hormone (GH)
Ant. signals liver to release insulin-like growth factors which stimulate bone and cartilage growth