Cellular Metabolism

68 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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1.-Speed up a chemical reaction
2.- Lower the "activation energy" to start a reaction.
3.-Each one have a specific substrate
4.- As reaction occur, enzymes is not consumed by the reaction.
What is a substrate?
Is a substance on which enzymes acts
Are enzymes specific? YES OR NOif yes why it does mean?

Yes, because for each enzyme there is a specific substrate, means that it will act only on a particular substrate.
What are actives sites?
Are regions of the enzymes that bind specifically to substrates.
Does each ACTIVE SITE has its own shape? YES or NO
Yes, because each substrate is determined by shape of an active site.
The speed of enzyme-catalized reactions depend on what?
Depends in the number of the of enzymes and substrates molecules. Means that the more enzymes and substrates the faster the metabolic reaction.
What are metabolic pathways?
Are sequences of enzyme-controlled reactions leading to a formation of a product.
What happen if enzymes are not well regulated during the metabolic pathway?
If enzymes are not well regulated in any process of the pathway there will no be able to obtain a "Final Product"
Explain what "Rate-Limiting enzyme"refers to....
It refers that enzymes can become saturated when there is a high substrate concentration at any level of the pathway. In other words if there is an over production of the substrate substance the enzyme can become ineffective.
What mechanism feedback can control "a rate-limiting enzyme" Explain briefly how?
Negative feedback may control a rate limiting enzyme in a metabolic pathway by inhibiting the "rate of the limiting enzyme" .
What are Cofactors? and give examples.
*Are non-protein component that make some enzymes active. *They can be either Ions (such as, copper, Iron or Zinc) or coenzymes (small organic molecules)
What are Coenzymes? Examples
Coenzymes are small organic molecules. Many coenzymes are composed of vitamins. Thiamine, Riboflavin, niacin, Vit B12.
What are the factors that alter ENZYMES?
Heat, Radiation,Electricity, Electricity, Changes in PH."Remember that most enzymes are proteins. Proteins can be denaturated in the presence of these factors. Denaturation means that the enzyme can be altered and become ineffective"
What is Energy?
Energy is the capacity to change something. It is the ability to do work. Energy can be changed from one form to another form.
Name 6 forms of energy:
1) Mechanical 5) Sound2) Chemical 6) Heat3) Electrical4) Light