History of Rhetoric and Social Influence

The set contains information about rhetoric and dialectic thought

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Peter Ramus definition of rhetoric
The act of decorating known truth. (Not epistemological)
Cristine de Pizan thought of rhetoric as
Tool for social maintenance.
Francis Bacon definition of rhetoric
Application of reason to the imagination for the better moving of the will.
The Six Faculties in Faculty Psychology
1. Reason 4. History2. Imagination 5. Understanding3. Appetite 6. The Will
Four intellectual arts (Bacon)
1. Invention2. Judgement3. Memory4. Style
Bacon's view of Style
Style should be clear and unadorned for scientific reasons. It should be simple, the mind loves what is simple and is easy to understand.
Rene Descartes "Cartesian Method"
1. Doubt everything you know unless proven beyond a shadow of doubt.2. Reduce all components to their simplest components3. Start with what you know then proceed with rigorous deduction4. Review and recapulate
Rene Descartes wanted to do what with rhetoric?
Develop a means by which one could arrive at mathematical certainty to philosophical questions.
Vico's stages
Poetic: everything is myth or metaphorHeoric: Takes lessons from myth/metaphor and applies to real thingsHuman: conversation turns away from myths to constitutions and laws derived from those.
Mary Astal's seven steps
1. Define the question, subject and terms.2. Set aside irrelevant issues3. Move from the simple to the complex4. Divide into parts.5. Only concentrate on your subject6. Treat as true only what you evidently know7.Sometimes settling with probability
Bernard Lamy view of rhetoric
There is never a time when we're not trying to persuade. He takes rhetoric beyond the role of public speaking.
Bernard Lamy's "The Art of Speaking" was the most influential book on rhetoric for the next 140 years. True or False.
True/ False: Lamy agreed with Descartes theory and believed the mind to be mechanical.
True, Lamy believed the mind was like a machine. Lamy was Christian so there was also an emphasis on the soul.
True or False: Lamy believed reason was weak and we must make use of cunning.
True, Lamy believed that audiences didn't want to hear the Truth so you have to sneak it past them through style.
Lamy's idea of style
Style causes impressions to stick to your brain, simplicity is key for this. Moderate tone is also best for this.