History Quiz Review

Quiz review for social studies grade 8

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Articles of Confederation Strengths
-gave states more power -slavery was banned -each state gave unicameral vote -added land
Articles of Confederation Weaknesses
-raised taxes -no power to regulate trade -no power to enfore laws -could only pass laws with 2/3 vote
What was the purpose of the Northwest Ordinance?
To provide a way for the new states to be admitted to the United States
Explain a Confederation system
-A league of independent states -one house legislature -states have more power then the federal government -no executive or judicial branch
Explain Virginia Plan
A two house legislature based on population preposed by Edmound Randolph
Why did some delegates criticize the Virginia Plan?
They said it gave too much power to by states 2 houses based on population
What states supported the Virginia Plan?
Large states such as Virginia and New York
Explain New Jersey Plan
Proposed by William Patterson -one house -all states have an equal number of representatives
Why did some delegates criticize the New Jersey Plan?
Favored small states and didn't represent the large states
What states supported the New Jersey Plan?
Small states suck as Delaware, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Connecticut, and New Hampshire
How did the Great Compromise satisfy both the large and small states?
-each house was fair to both large and small states
What was the Great Compromise?
-2 houses:Lower-based representation on population upper-equal representation
Explain the significance of the 3/5 Compromise
It inscreased the Souths population -every 5 enslaved people count as 3 free people for taxation purposes
Why does the constitution divide the government power among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches?
So that one branch will not become to powerful
Give an example of the separation of powers
Creation of 3 branches of government