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45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What prompted African Americans to leave the South at the same time that the southern economy began to boom?
There were fewer jobs for unskilled workers.
What best describes the strategy that the NAACP adopted under Thurgood Marshall?
A legal strategy
How did the strategies employed by civil rights activists in the Montgomery bus boycott, and the desegregation of the Little Rock schools represent a new chapter in the civil rights movement?
They employed grassroots mobilization
What was the most important reason why Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy ultimately embraced civil rights as an issue?
They were pushed by violent confrontation.
What was the most important reason why the civil rights movement began to shift toward black power?
Young people did not see tangible change.
How might urban rioting have affected Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society programs?
It may have resulted in more support for a federal interventionist government.
What was the most important political influence on the leaders of groups like SDS and the Free Speech Movement?
The civil rights movement
In what way were the hippies different from activists in organizations such as SDS?
Hippies were less politically involved.
To what did the counterculture of the 1960s give way in the 1970s and 1980s?
Materialism and political conservatism
Why did the Vietcong renew its warfare in the South after Ho Chi Minh came to power in North Vietnam?
To remove the American-supported dictator Diem
What was the most important reason why Lyndon B. Johnson chose a strategy of escalation in 1965?
His military advisors argued that escalation was the only way to win in Vietnam.
Why do you think that Johnson's policy of escalation in Vietnam did not work?
It failed to consider the resolve of the Vietcong.
What was the most important cause of the shift from an embrace of assimilation to an embrace of difference by minority groups?
The failure of laws to counter discrimination
What was the clearest way in which lawmakers showed the national movement from an embrace of individual rights to an embrace of group
Instituting affirmative action
What do you think the nation's long-term political response was to expressions of identity politics as seen in the gay liberation movement, the
feminist movement, and black nationalism, among others?
A conservative political backlash