A Brief History of the American Revolution Flashcards

Test 2 trickel

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Group of colonists who were in favor of gaining independence from Brittain.
Group of colonists who wanted to remain loyal to King George III and remain as English colonies
Continental Army
Volunteer militia army established by the colonists to fight the Amercian Revolution
Battle of Trenton-Princeton
2nd Battle in the revolutionary war, Washington captures 3 German regiments in december. Washington catches them by surprise. Princeton - British troops are forced to retreat.
Battle of Saratoga
General Buyogone surrenders Saratoga. French decide to help us. British surrender 7,000 troops.
Battle of Yorktown
In alliance with France, we force General Cornwallis to surrender 7,000 british troops.
Treaty of Paris 1783
Who:England, America, France (minor player)

What they resolved: America gained it's Independence
Terms:England recognizes the Americas, all debts to british are still due and payable, boundaries established (Atlantic to the Mississippi)
Jay Treaty
Who: Great Britain and America
What they resolved: Remaining issues that were left off in the treaty of paris 1783. This was a bad treaty for the Americans, every term had a flaw.
Terms: Great Brittain out of NW Fur Posts (promised 12 years ago)Compensate for lost american cargo (english will lowball the appraisals)America granted trade rights with east indies (we want the west indies)
Pinckney Treaty of 1796
Who: Spain and US
What it resolved: Relieved tension between the countries
Terms: Open Mississippi river for trade, allow deposit in New Orleans, reinstated Florida border to the 31st parallel.
Thomas Pinckney
American Envoy for the US to Spain
John Jay
American politician from New York. Negotiated treaties. Chief Justice of the US, pres of contienental congress, ambassador to spain and france.
co wrote the federlist papers
Thomas Jefferson
Wrote declaration of independence, established his own party. His party had a lot of faith in the people and didn't want too much power to rest in political officials
Fur Posts
Fur trading posts $$$
French Revolution
France's revolution against the monarchy, the US had chosen to remain neutral throughout their conflicts with Brittain.
Edmund Genet
French Ambassador who came to the US seeking aid for the French Revolution. Despite our refusal, he hired private american sailors to attack british fleets, and payed editors to write bad shit about washington. He was kicked out of the country, then allowed to come back after a warrant for his death was issued in france.