Histology of Nervous Tissue

Ex:17 Histolo gy of Ne

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List (2) types of cells populations that make up nervous tissue.
1) Neuron 2) Supporting cells- smaller cells that surrounds and wrap the more delicate neurons.
What is major functional difference between neuroglial cells and neurons?
Neuroglial cells- (glial cells) Are nonexcitable cells of neural tussue. Not able to generate and transmit nerve impulse. Neuron- (nerve cells) Are excitable cells, specialized to generate and trasmit electrical signals
What sub-type of neuroglial would you find lining the central canal?
The epidemal cells.
What are the function of the epidemal cells?
Function in production of cerebral spinal fluid. (CSF)
What are structure and function of Dendrite?
Are receptive regions. Provide enormous surface area for recieving signals. Diffusing branching extensions.
What are structure and function of axons:
Axons generate and conduct nerve impulses. Conduct impulses away from cell body.
What is structure and function of Nissel bodies:
Nissel bodies are rough endoplasmic reticulum, are involved in metabolic activities of the cells. Orderly arranged for protein synthesis, for neuron growth, and regeneration of nerve fibers.
What is structure and function of synapse:
Synapse is junction w/ neurons or effector cells. Functional junction or point of close contact between (2) neurons or between a neuron and an effector cell.
Myelin made of what substance?
Myelin is made of insulating fatty sheath of schwann. Made by individual schwann cells.
What is the function of myelin sheath? (3)
1) Dramatically increase the speed of impulse 2) Act as insulator w/ the fatty material 3) Prevent leakage of charge out of the axon. Wrapping/surround larger PNS axons.
What is the neurilemma structurally?
The peripheral part of the Schwann cell and its plasma membrane.
What is function of neurilemma?
Neurilemma surrounds neural cells. surrounds the axons fo peripheral nerve.
What are the nodes of Ranvier, and where would you find the nodes?
Nodes of Ranvier are unmelinated gaps between schwann cells, along the nerve fibers. These gaps are where axons contain most of their channels, speed up conduction along axons,
What is the function of Nodes of Ranvier?
The nodes of Ravier work with the myelin sheath to increase speed of conduction.
What anatomical characteristic determines whether a particular neuron is classified as unipolar, bipolar, or multipolar?
Classification of neurons based on structure # of processes extending from cell body. Structural variation within classes maybe differentiated according to # of processes attached to cell body.