Hemodiaysis Technician Terminology

This is to he lp study for the ccht exam. Material taken from Core Curriculumn, second edition.

113 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Acute renal failure
Sudden onset: illness, injury or toxin. May be temporary.
Chronic renal failure
Long slow process, destruction of nephrons, may not be symptomatic until advanced stage. ESRD.
End Stage Renal Disease, glomerular filtration rate decreased to 10% of normal. Complete and irreversable.
Air embolism
When air eters the bloodstream, and is carried to a vessel small enough to be blocked. Can be fatal.
Aluminum compound added to city water to make the water clearer, can build up in HD pts, causing ARBD.
Aluminum-Related Bone Disease, caused by prolonged aluminum exposure in diaysis water, cookware, and medications. Symptoms: deep bone pain, muscle weakness, fractures.
Build up of beta2-microglobulin. A starch-like protein that is removed by healthy kidneys. Builds up in joints, bones, tissues of some pts. Symptoms: arthritis-like joint pain, bone pain. Can be prevented/treated with high-flux dialysers.
Blood protein that regulates osmotic pressure. Low serum levals <3.5 g/dL indicates malnutrition. Is common in HD pts, increased risk of death.
Severe reaction to allergen. Symptoms: have, itching, wheezing. May devolp into anyphylactic shock : hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia/arrest, throat swelling, can be life threatning.
Another name for a surgical connection, such as AVF.
Shortage of RBC's. Common in pts, caused by: insuffinceient erythropoietin, iron deficiency, blood loss. RBC's carry oxygen to all cells in body. Symptoms: fatigue, cardiac disorders, difficulty concentrating, reduced immmune funtion, etc. Is treated with EPOGEN.
Procedure where a balloon is threaded through a blood vessel, and inflated to dialate areas of stenosis.
Means with the direction of flow (away from the anastomosis). Aterial needle can be placed EITHER anterograde or retrograde.
Heparin is a blood thinner used to prevent blood clots in circuit.
Arterial pressure
Is measured as a negative pressure between the arterial access and the blood pump. Is read as negative d/t the blood being pulled from the pt. by the pump.