
The study questions for hematology

111 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Which organ(s) is/are the primary site(s) for heamtopoiesis in the fetus? a) liver b) spleen c) bone marrow d) all of the above e) none of the above
Which listing represents the proper cell sequence of erythropoiesis? a) rubriblast, prorubricyte, rubricyte, metarubricyte, reticulocyte, erythrocyte b) rubriblast, rubricyte, prorubricyte, metarubricyte, reticulocyte, erythrocyte c) rubriblast, prorubricyte, metarubricyte, rubricyte, reticulocyte, erythrocyte d) rubriblast, reticulocyte, prorubricyte, rubricyte, metarubricyte, erythrocyte
Which listing represents the proper cell sequence of granulocytoiesis? a) myeloblast, myelocyte, promyelocyte, metamyelocyte, band, neutrophil b) myeloblast, metamyelocyte, myelocyte, promyelocyte, neutrophil, band c) myeloblast, promyelocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, band, neutrophil d) myeloblast, band, promyelocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, neutrophil
What is the best description of a metarubricyte? a) solid, blue-black degenerated nucleus w/ nonlinear clumped chromatin patter; no nucleoli; pink cytoplasm b) round nucleus w/ visible nucleoli; indistinct & dispersed chromatin pattern; blue cytoplasm c) course chromatin pattern; ill-defined or absent nucleoli; predominantly blue cytoplasm w/ pink tinge d) small nucleus; thick & condensed nuclear chromatin patter; no nucleoli; mixture of pink & blue cytoplasm
Which granulocyte has a kidney-bean shaped nucleus w/ a clumped chromatin pattern & small secondary granules w/ a few primary granules? a) band b) myelocyte c) promycelocyte d) metamyelocyte
Which granulocytic cell has large, abundant purple-black granules? a) eosinophil b) basophil c) neutrophil
What is the proper cell sequence for the monocytic-phagocytic system (MPS)? a) monoblast, macrophage, promonocyte, monocyte b) monoblast, monocyte, promonocyte, macrophage c) monoblast, promonocyte, monocyte, macrophage d) monoblast, promonocyte, macrophage, monocyte
Which cell classification is escribed by the following: second most abundant cell in the blood of a normal adult, usually small & round; sky-blue to intensely blue cytoplasm; & nucleus w/ clumped dark purple chromatin? a) monocyte b) lymphocyte c) null cell d) plasmacyte
At what stage of differentiation will cells become committed to one cell line? a) pluripotential stem cell b) colony-forming unit c) myeloblast d) progranulocyteB
Which of the following is not a crucial area of RBC survival & fxn? a) integrity of RBC cellular membrane b) cell metabolism c) intravascular hemolysis d) hgb structure
Which abnormal RBC is not caused by a structural membrane defect? a) spherocytes b) target cells c) siderocytes d) acanthocytes
Which list represents the complete set of processes necessary for normal hgb production? a) iron delivery & supply, synthesis of protoporphyrins, globin synthesis b) iron salvage, synthesis of conjugated bilirubin, haptoglobin synthesis c) iron accumulation, synthesis of hemoplexin, globulin catabolism d) iron catabolism, synthesis of uroporphyrinogen, ferritin synthesis
What is the correct list for the # & type of globin chains in normal adult hgb? a) 4 alpha, 2 beta, 2 delta chains b) 2 alpha, 2 nonalpha chains c) 2 alpha, 4 beta, 1 delta, & 1 epsilon chain d) 4 alpha, 2 beta, 2 delta, & 1 epsilon chain
What is the composition of normal adult hgb? a) 92-95% Hgb A; 5-8% Hgb A2; 1-2% Hgb F b) 90-92% Hgb A; 2-3% Hgb A2; 2-5% Hgb F c) 80-85% Hgb A; 2-3% Hgb A2; 1-2% Hgb F d) 95-97% Hgb A; 2-3% Hgb A2; 1-2% Hgb F
Which of the following cells is caused by iron accumulation? a) acanthocyte b) ringed sideroblast c) burr cell d) schistocyte