Hematology Manual Cell Counting Flashcards

Here is the list of flashcards which is based on the Hematology Manual Cell Counting in the form of flashcard quizzes. Try to attempt these quizzes based on Hematology Manual Cell Counting. Learn every description related to Hematology Manual Cell Counting and become a master of it.

8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

Cards In This Set

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Name 2 types of stains for staining retics
New methylene Blue, Brilliant Cresyl Blue
What is the equation for a manual platelet count?
Number of plts counted x 1000 (x10^9)
When would a manual WBC or platelet count be done?
Body fluid analysis (CSF, pleural fluid, etc), Errors or flags from automated instruments, Interfering substances
What is a supravital stain?
Stains residual RNA in the cytoplasm of Retics
Which optics are used for counting Retics, WBCs and RBCs manually?
WBC: x10, RBCs: x40, Platelets: x40
What are 4 common sources of error in manual counting methods?
Incorrect dilution, Faulty equipment, Technique (over or under filling the chamber), Nature of the sample (no clots, thoroughly mixed)
What area on a hemocytometer is used for WBC counts?
All 9 large squares
What is the equation for a manual WBC count?
Total WBC (mm3) = WBCs counted x 10 x 100/9 Or Add 10% to the total # WBCs counted and multiply by 100