Health Psychology Exam 3

Health Psycho logy Fla

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Personality and Coping
Personality influences how one reacts in a stressful situation and is determined by genes and environmental factors.
Negative Affectivity
A psychological state characterized by negative moods, anxiety, depression and hostility
Explanatory Style
The way people interpret and explain a situation or things that may happen. There are pessimistic and optimistic styles.
Why Pessimistic People live shorter:
-encounter more stressful events -take less health action (exercise, eat right) -immune system is repressed -less social support
Psychological Control
The belief that one can determine one's own behavior, influence one's own environment, and bring about desired outcomes
Self Efficacy and Stress
High self esteem is a buffer for stress
Control-Enhancing Interventions
Help with medical procedures in particular, and reduce anxiety and help adjustment
Resources that effect positive coping
-sense of purpose -sense of humor -religious beliefs -trust in others
Coping Style
General propensity to deal with stressful events in a particular way: approach vs. avoidance; problem vs. emotion focused.
Approach vs. Avoidance: Coping
Each have equal advantages and disadvantages. overall, approach has more benefits
Problem vs Emotion focused coping
Problem focused involves doing something constructive to alleviate the stress whereas emotion focused involves efforts to regulate emotions. problem focused develops first than emotion focused later in life both are useful, but events that HAVE to be tolerated are better with emotion focused coping. EMOTION=BAD=IF YOU RUMINATE THE EVENT
Coping and External Resources
Ex) time, money, education, family -People with more resources tolerate stress better because they have more ways to deal with the event -very important resource is SES. People with high SES have lower mortality and medical problems phsyically and mentally
Religion and Coping
Having faith is beneficial for two main reasons: -enables people to find meaning in the event they encounter -social support
Sources of Resilience
-Being engaged in life has both mental and phsyical health benefits -ability to bounce back and be positive after a stressful event is helpful too
Coping Outcomes
The success of a coping outcome is measured physically (heart rate, pulse, sweat glands), how soon they resume usual activities and if patients anxiety/depression is reduced