Definitions and short answers for HBSEII

9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is equifinality in macro practice settings?
There are many different ways and means to achieve the same result.
Define Ecosystem theory
This theory provides a perspectice for social workers to assess and understand the many aspects of a situation by addressing the various systems involved.
What are roles for a Generalist Practitioner in the macro setting?
Advocate, mediator, coordinator, manager, evaluator, educator, broker, facilitator, intiator,negotiator, and mobilizer
What is critical thinking?
The careful scrutiny of what is stated as true or what appears to be true and expression of an opinion or conclusion based on that scruntiny. The process of reasoning.
Why is research important in SW?
It can help SW become more effective in their practice by choosing interventions that have been proven successful. Research helps build a foundation for planning effective interventions. Research theories can generate new theories and interventions for best practices.
What are some of teh concepts of taken from systems theory?
System, boundaries, subsystems, homeostasis, role, relationship, input, output, - and + feedback, interface, differentiation,, entropy, neg. entropy, and equifinality.
Define a community
Large groups of people in the same demographic setting. communities have clientele who have similar issues and problems and are poitential beneficiaries of change
Provide a brief history of Traditional SW Macro practice
Social action, social planning, locality development.
Define concepts in contemporary macro practice
Social advocacy=social action, planning and policy =social planning and community capacity= locality development.