Hair Removal

Hair school

41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Unusual amount of hair on parts of the body normally bearing only downy hair, such as faces of women and backs of men.
Reaction due to extreme sensitivity to certain foods, chemicals, or other normally harmless substances.
Chronic congestion appearing primarily on the cheeks and nose, characterized by redness, dilation of the blood vessels, and formation of papules and pustules.
Cleanse the eyelid with cotton balls moistened with gentle eye makeup remover.
First steps of tweezing (procedure)
When waxing, what do we do before we apply the wax to the client's skin?
Check the temperature
What product do we use to calm redness of the skin?
Aloe gel
What steps do we take to soften the eyebrow tissues?
Saturate two pieces of cotton or brow and cover for two minutes.
Another technical term for hirsuties is
A combination of yellow sulfide of arsenic, quicklime, and rose water that was used by the Turks as a crude hair removal agent is known as.
A client consultation prior to a hair removal service discloses all medications, both topical and oral, along with any known skin disorders or.
Facial waxing or tweezing should not be performed on clients who have or very sensitive skin.
Having a history of or cold sores is considered a contraindicaton for facial waxing.
Fever blisters
Use of Retin-A, Renova, , or similar products prevent hair removal treatments.
Removal of hair by means of an electric current that destroys the root of the hair is known as.
Photo-epilation uses intense light to destroy hair follices and has minimal side effects and requires no.