Gross Anatomy Exam 1 (2/10)

Study day 2 of 10 for Gross Exam 1

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the Sarcolemma?
The cell membrane.
What is the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum?
Tubular network that stores and transports calcium ions.
What are Transverse Tubules?
Tubular system that allows electrical impulses to enter muscle fibers.
What is Myoglobin?
Gives muscles color and stores needed oxygen, it has a greater affinity for oxygen then hemoglobin and disassociates oxygen faster than hemoglobin.
What are myofibrils?
The contractile apparatus of muscle fibers, has bundles of filaments called myofilaments and is seen as light and dark bands.
What are I Bands?
Light areas
What are A bands?
Dark areas
What are H Bands?
Area in the middle of each dark band
What are M bands?
Thin line down center of each H band
What are Z discs?
Thin line down center of each I band
What are Sarcomeres?
Smalest functional unit extending from 1 Z disc to the next Z disc
What are contractile proteins?
Main protein element consists of actin from i bands and myosin from a bands.
What are regulatory proteins?
Act as inhibitory force associated with actin filaments that prevent myosin heads from interacting with actin.
What are Troponin and Tropomyosin?
2 most common regulatory proteins that recognize calcium as signal to allow actin and myosin to interact with each other.
What is the role of Calcium in muscles?
Eliminates inhibition of regulatory proteins allowing muscle contractions to occur, calcium ions are released from sarcoplasmic reticulum and bind with troponin on the actin.