Government Unit 1 Test

Review sheet. over constitution

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What phrase in the Preamble addressed the fact that a newly-formed country has been operating under the "Articles of Confederation" which was a flawed document?
"In order to form a more perfect union"
Who influenced the constitutional principle expressing his idea that men form governments to: protect their natural rights to life, liberty, & property.
John Locke
The Virginia Plan, presented at the Constitutional Convention, proposed that the number of representatives are based on ____________.
The New Jersey Plan, presented at the Constitutional Convention, proposed that each state have _________.
equal representation
The Great Compromise to "The Virginia Plan" & "The New Jersey Plan" was offered by ________.
Roger Sherman
The MOST COMMON process for amending the Constitution has been to propose by ____ of each house of _________. Then ratify by ____ of _________.
2/3; Congress; 3/4; State Legislators
Congress ______ the laws.
The Supreme Court ______ the laws.
The President ______ the laws.
Which amendment to the Constitution explains that "listing some rights does not mean that other rights should be overlooked"?
What do the "Nullification Crisis," "Civil War," "Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists," & "Voting Rights Legislation" all have in common?
states rights
What amendment to the Constitution allows debate over controversial issues, provides for the free flow of information, & allows discussion for compromise?
The Founding Fathers developed a ______ system of government to increase the power of gov't at the national level while allowing the states to attain some powers.
The ______ is the belief that man must be willing to give up some of his freedoms to a government so that his rights are protected.
Social Contract Theory
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, & John Jay = ______