Gov Test #1 Study Guide Questions

Government test

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the basic powers that every government holds?
Legislative Power (Power to create and frame public policies), Executive Power (Power to execute, enforce and administer law), Judicial Power (The power to interpret laws, to determine their meaning and to settle disputes that arise within the society)
What are the four defining characteristics of the state?
Population, Territory, soverignty, and Government
What man from world history (Between 400 and 300 BC) would be associated with the force theory?
Alexander the Great
What is the largest state in the world today in terms of population? The Smallest?
The People's Republic of China is the worlds most populous state with more than 1.3 billion people. The smallest would be San Marino with 27,000
On which two continents are the majority of dictatorships in the world located today?
Africa and Asia
What is the largest state in the world today in terms of territory? The smallest?
In therms of territory, the worlds largest state is Russia (6.6 million square miles). The smallest state is San Marino (Less than 24 square miles)
What are the purposes of the government as outlined in the Preamble of the US Constitution? (TEST)
The purpose of the constitution is to:1. Form a more perfect union2. Establish Justice3. To insure Domestic Tranquility4. To provide for the common defense5. To Promote the general welfare6. To secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity
What document did the US Constitution replace?
Articles of Confederation
How are systems of government defined in terms of who can participate?
There are two systems of government regarding who can participate: Democracy and Dictatorship
What are the foundations of democracy?
Foundations of democracy:1 Fundamental worth of the individual2. Equality of all persons3. Majority rule with minority rights4. Necessity of compromise5. Individual Freedom
What did Locke, Harrington, Hobbes and Rousseau most likely agree about in regard to the state?
They agreed that the state exists to serve the will of the people.
What is the dominant political unit in the world today?
The state
Which amendment to the US Constitution says, "those powers not delegated to the federal government are thereby reserved to the states?"
The 10th amendment