Geography Quiz

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is culture?
The specialized behavioral patterns, understandings, and adaptations that summarize the way of life of a group of people
What is cultural geography?
The study of the impact of human culture on the landscape
What are traits
Units of learned behavior ranging from the language spoken to the tools used or to the games played (ex. a conviction that fish is superior to other animal flesh)
What is complex?
Individual culture traits that are functionally interrelated (ex. eeping cattle was a culture trait of Masai of Kenya. Related traits included the measuremnt of personal wealth by the number of cattel owned; a diet containing the milk and blood of cattle, etc)
What are systems?
A broader generalization and refers to a collection of interacting culture traits and culture complexes that are shared by a group within a particular territory. sum total of the traits and complexes
What are regions
  1. a portion of the earth’s surface occupied by people sharing recognizable and distinctive cultural characteristics (ex. political organizations societies devise, their religions, their form of economy, clothing, eating utensils, housing)
What is a realm
  1. a set of culture regions showing related culture complexes and landscapes grouped together (culture realms are in a sense culture regions at the broadest scale of generalization)
What is cultural ecology
Understanding what people do on the landscape; the study of the relationship between a culture group and the natural environment it occupies
What is cultural diffusion
cultural trait going from one place to another
What is the cultural landscape
The visible imprint the culture has on the landscape
Different way of doing something that the culture or social group adopts
Folk culture
Traditional modes of behavior and expression that are transmitted from generation to generation (by firsthand interaction) among a group or people. Cultural traits such as dress modes, dwellings, traditions, and institutions of usually small, traditional communities.
Popular culture
Culture traits such as dress, diet, and music that identify and are part of today's changeable, urban-based, media-influenced western societies.
the process by which one culture group undergoes a major modification by adopting many of the characteristics of another, usually dominant culture group
Amalagation theory
bringing together of different types of cultures (not one culture dominating the other)