Genesis 11 Through 17

Religion Genesis 11 - 17

83 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is a patriarch
A patriarch is a founder or father of the faith.
List four patriarchs
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
What is a matriarch
Mother of the faith
List four matriarchs
Sarah, Rebekah, Leah and Rachel
What does Abraham's name mean in Hebrew
"almighty father" or "ancestor of a multitude"
Where was Abraham born
Ur of the Chaldeans (Mesopotamia)
What is Abraham's father's name?
Who was Abraham's wife?
At the beginning of Genesis does Sarai have any children?
No. She is barren or childless.
Abraham is respected in all three monotheistic religions. Name them
Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
What do the three monotheistic religions agree about with regard to Abraham?
All three agree that he believed in one God
Abraham is considered a
Model of faith.
In the story of Abraham and Sarai, God is entering
History in a new way.
What three things did God ask Abraham in Genesis 12? "God's Covenant with Abraham"
He asked him: to move (leave home and land); trust God completely, accept God is real with little proof.
What does God promise Abraham in Genesis 12?
LandDescendents: a great nation for his offspringBlessings: to Abraham & all that are good to him.