General Systems Theory: Study for CA MFT Licensing Exam

I am using these flashcards to study for the CA MFT Licensing Exams in 2011. This set is about the psychological application of Ludwig von Bertalanffy's General Systems Theory. 

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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General Systems Theory (GST)
An interdisciplinary practice that describes systems with interacting components
- Founded by Ludwig von Bertalanffy
- Psychological application developed by Roger Barker, Gregory Bateson, Humberto Maturana and named Systems Psychology
Premise of GST/Systems Psychology
Families have a unity or wholeness
Ludwig von Bertalanffy
- One of the founders of General Systems Theory (GST)
- Biologist
GST/Systems Psychology terms
- Wholeness
- Nonsummativity
- Equifinality
- Calibration
- Homeostasis
- First and second order change
- Negative and positive feedback
- Refers to the interdependence between parts of the system; the entity is greater than the sum of its parts
- i.e. Changing 1 family member will change the entire system
A system cannot be analyzed by isolated segments
- The same results may spring from different origins
- Latin for "equal ending"
Types of Systems Psychology
- Applied systems psychology
- Cognitive systems theory
- Contract-systems theory
- Family systems psychology
- Organismic-systems psychology
Tendency of a system to revert to the status quo
Negative feedback
- Homeostatic maintainer
- Behavior that restores system to a comfort range
Positive feedback
Pro-change behavior that upsets equilibrium beyond thresholds of accustomed behaviors
The level at which a family system is operating
First order change
- Change that occurs within a system that itself remains unchanged
- Watzlawick, Weakland and Fisch (1974)
Second order change
- Change that alters the system itself
- Watzlawick, Weakland and Fisch (1974)