G1: Road Rules

6 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A flashing amber (yellow) signal light at an intersection means...
Slow down and proceed with extreme caution
On a roadway where traffic is moving in both directions, in what postion must you be before making a left turn?
To make a left turn, signal well before the turn and move into the far left lane, but still to the right of the yellow diving centre line, to make sure you are not blocking the way for the oncoming traffic.
When are broken white line (dashes) used on streets and highways?
On a one-way street or highway that has more than one lane of traffic moving in the same direction
How close to a fire hydrant may you legally park?
When lights are required, drivers are required to use low beam headlights...
Cut down glare at night by using your lowbeam headlights within 150 m of an oncoming vehicle
When parking facing downhill, turn your front wheels towards .
The curb or right shoulder. This will keep the vehicle from rolling into traffic if the brakes become disengaged.