Can You Explain the Anatomy of Functions of Shark Structures Flashcards

Learn and explain about Explain the Anatomy of Functions of Shark Structures these Flashcards. Learn about different terms, words, and much more with our flashcards made to Explain the Anatomy of Functions of Shark Structures. Attempt these Explain the Anatomy of Functions of Shark Structures quizzes and learn, revise, and practice.

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Protection of the skin
Placoid scales
Controlling the sharks direction as it swims
Fins (except caudal)
Propelling the shark
Tail and caudal fin
Grsping prey and cutting off pieces of meat, but not chewing
Discharges water that has come in through the mouth and passed over the gills
External gill slits
Swallowing and also passing incoming water to gills
Heavily vascularized, feathery fans of tissue that take oxygen from the water passing over them and discharge carbon dioxide to it
Allowing water to enter the mouth of the shark when it is holding food in its jaw
Canals from top of head to inner ear (possibly a role in equillibrium)
Endolymphatic pores
Sample of water for odors
External nares
Sensing minute electrical fields given off by prey
Ampullae of lorenzini
Sensing tiny pressure disturbances in the water, such as those made by swimming prey
Lateral line system
Outlet for feces, urine, and reproductive products
Dischares urine and sperm into the cloaca in the male
Urogenital papilla
Discharges urine into the cloaca in the female
Urinary papilla