Fluid Balance-Body Fluids/Hormonal Regulation of Fluid Balance


21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What affects the amount and distribution of body fluids?
Age, gender, and amount of fat
How much water does a fat cell contain?
Almost NO water.
Water in all spaces is exchanged ____ while maintaing constant fluid volume.
What triggers the sensation of thirst?
A rising blood osmolarity or a decreasing blood volume.
What are sensations are felt by a human that trigger thirst?
Dry mouth, or thought of not having a drink for a while
Of all the water loss pathways, which is the most important and most sensitive?
The kidneys
The kidneys ____ and ____ water loss.
Regulate, Adjust
What is the minimum amount of urine per day needed to excrete toxic waste products?
400-600 mL
What is the minimum volume of urine called?
Obligatory urine output
If 24-hr urine output falls below the obligatory output amount wastes are retained and could cause?
Lethal electrolyte imbalances, acidosis, and a toxic buildup of nitrogen.
Insensible water loss
Water loss from the skin, lungs, and stool
What is the amount of sweating controlled by?
Anotomic Nervous System, body temp, and blood flow in the skin
What does the endocrine system help control?
Fluid and electrolyte imbalances
Three hormones that help control critical fluid and electrolyte imbalances are
Aldosterone, Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and natriuretic peptide (NP)
The hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex whenever sodium level in the extracellular fluid (ECF) is decreased.