HESI Grammar

55 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

Cards In This Set

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Long Vowel
Vowel sounds that sound the same as the name of the vowel letter (as in a in late)
Short Vowel
Vowel sounds that have a unique sound for each vowel (as in a in cat)
The other twenty-one letters in the alphabet that are not vowels
A word part that is added to the ending of a root word that can change the meaning and spelling of a word
Letters that are added to the end of a word to signify more than one person, place, thing, or idea
A word that has the same sound as another word but does not have the same meaning or spelling (there, their)
A word that has the same spelling as another word but does not have the same sound or meaning (lead, lead)
The action of writing a word with an initial capital letter
Terminal Punctuation
Marks used at the end of the sentence
The mark at the end of a declarative or imperative sentence
Declarative Sentence
A sentence that states a fact
Imperative Sentence
A sentence that states a command or request
Question Mark
The mark at the end of a sentence that makes the sentence a question
Exclamation Point
The mark at the end of a sentence that indicates strong feelings, shouting, or emphasizes a feeling
Internal Punctuation
Marks used within a sentence to help keep words, phrases, and clauses in order