TEAS 6 Reading Flashcards

84 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Author’s Purpose
A writer’s reason for writing: to inform, to persuade, or to entertain
To share knowledge
To argue a point
To amuse, have fun
Narrative Writing
This category of writing tells a story and is usually meant to entertain the reader
Expository Writing
This category of writing explains an idea and is usually meant to inform the reader
Technical Writing
This category of writing explains a mechanism or process and is usually meant to inform the reader
Persuasive Writing
This category of writing argues a point and is usually meant to convince the reader of something
Author’s Point of View
The general outlook or set of opinions that a writer has about a subject
Rhetorical Strategy
A technique an author uses to support an argument or develop a main idea
What the author is trying to convince the reader of through facts and opinions
A verifiable truth
Someone’s belief about a subject
Circular Reasoning
A type of faulty reasoning that restates the argument in different words instead of providing evidence
Either/Or Fallacy
A type of faulty reasoning that presents an issue as if it involves only two choices when it is not that simple