Vocabulaire de la vidéo : Trump se dit prêt à rencontrer les dirigeants iraniens

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Iran was addressed at Trump's joint press conference with visiting Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte.
In Iran must never be allowed to possess a nuclear weapon. Never.
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We encourage all nations to pressure Iran to end the full range of his malign activities.
The United States welcomes the partnership of Italy and these vital efforts."
But asked if he was willing to meet with
He said meetings are useful in defusing potentially dangerous tensions
I don't know that they're ready yet, they're having a hard time right now.
Traverser une période difficile
Officials in Tehran have ruled out
Any talks with Washington
Saying the United States has shown it is not reliable .
United States and Iran have been at odds
En désaccord
Since the clerics took power in Tehran in 1979.
Les religieux
Trump fueled renewed anger
A nourri
When he pulled the United States from the nuclear deal reached in 2015 between Iran and six world powers.
A retiré
He's calling for a much tougher
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