TABE Reading

86 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

Cards In This Set

Front Back
A word or phrase that roughly describes what a text is about
Topic Sentence
A single sentence at the beginning of a paragraph that identifies the topic and main idea
Supporting Details
Details that develop the main idea, contribute further information, or provide examples
A text that restates the main ideas from a different text in a new way
The order of events
Graphic Elements
Pictures, graphs, or diagrams
A picture with labels that shows the parts of a object or functions of a mechanism
A graphic that shows a sequence of actions or decisions involved in complex process
Bar Graph
A graph that uses bars of different sizes to represent numbers
Pie Chart
A graph that represents the whole of something and its individual parts in percentages
Formal Language
Language that is associated with professional or academic purposes
Informal Language
Language that is associated with speaking, but is used in text messages, emails, letters, and postcards
Primary Source
Firsthand written accounts of events, research described by people who conducted it, and other original information
Secondary Source
Written accounts that responds to, analyzes, or comments on a primary source
Tertiary Source
A source that compiles information in a general, highly summarized, and sometimes simplified way