Feedback, Reinforcement & Intrinsic Motivation

Feedback, rei nforceme

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Use of rewards & punishment that increase or decrease the likelihood of a simliar response occurring in the future
Why principles of reinforcement are complex
- people react differently to the same reinforcement - people are unable to repeat desirable behaviors - people receive different reinforcers in different situations
Approaches to influencing behavoir
1. positive approach - focuses on rewarding appropriate bahaviors (increases likelihood of them occurring in the future) 2. negative approach - focuses on punishing undesirable behaviors (should lead to future redirection of these inappropriate bahaviors)
TARGET approach to creating a positive motivational climate
Tasks Authority Rewards Groupings Evaluation Timing
The predominant apporach to PA should be which of the two approaches and why
Positive beacause negative often instills fear in pariticpants
What percentage range of reinforcement should be positive
Drawbacks of punishment
- can arouse fear of failure - can act as a reinforcer - can create an unpleasant , aversive learning environment
Behavior program principles behaviors you want to change 2. define targeted bahaviors 3.record behaviors 4.provide meaningful feedback 5.state outcomes clearly 6. tailor rewards system
Ways to choose & monitor target behaviors
- direct observations (single behaviors) - behavioral checklists (multiple behaviors) -athlete self-monitoring - videotape practice, pre-comp, comp - post comp videotape reconstruction of verbal behavior
Intrinsic motivation
Striving inwardly to be competent and self determining, in ones quest to master tasks
Factors influencing intrinsic motivation
1. social - success & failure - focus on comp - coaches bahavior 2. psychological - need for competence, autonomity, relatedness
Higher levels of intrinsic motivaton are related to
- competitive success - positive feedback - autonomous (democratic) coach - recreational sport - high perceived competence - high perceived control -rewards that increase the informational aspects & provide postitive feedback about competence - rewards that contribute to an internal locus of causality increase intrinsic motivation (controlling aspects)
Cognitive evaluation theory
How rewards are perceived is ciritical in determining whether intrinsic motivation increases or decreases controlling aspects: - rewards that are perceived to control a person decrease intrinsic motivation infomational aspects: rewards that suggest the person is not competent decrease intrinsic motivation
How to increase intrinsic motivation
- provide successful experiences - give rewards contingent on performance - use verbal and non-verbal praise -vary content & sequences of practice drills - involve participants in decisions - set realistic performance goals
A holistic, intrinsically motivating sensation that people feel when they are totally involved in an acitivity of on 'auto pilot'